
The Wyrmwood Magnetic Dice Tower System Bespoke Edition

Created by Wyrmwood Gaming

Newly Updated with Exotic Woods, Additional Options and New Campaign Exclusives, Celebrate the Product that put Wyrmwood on the Map! Order individual components from the modular set, or the Complete System to have it all! Scroll to see all the available components, woods and add-ons.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fulfillment Update: March
almost 6 years ago – Thu, Mar 07, 2019 at 03:00:17 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Fulfillment Update: Feb 2019
almost 6 years ago – Thu, Feb 07, 2019 at 10:22:23 PM

Greetings, backers!

We're checking in again to give you the latest information on production and fulfillment.  At this time, we estimate that the January tier will be totally fulfilled in approximately two weeks time.  We know this isn't ideal, since we're a week into February.  We do apologize for being a bit behind, but we're working hard to close the gaps in production and get every pledge filled.  Pledges continue to go out every day, so keep an eye on your inbox for tracking information (and check your spam filters).

Mackenzie works to finish the latest run of Dice Towers
Mackenzie works to finish the latest run of Dice Towers

After January has concluded, we'll continue straight into the February tier.  Based on our production numbers, fulfillment should conclude for February, if not by the end of the month, within a week or so of that time.  We'll revise this if needed once we get closer, but the numbers look good thus far.

This is a brief update, but we want to keep you in the loop as we work to close out fulfillment.  Thank you again for all of your support and patience as we head towards the conclusion of the project.  We'll sign off with the latest episode of Wyrm Lyfe, with some insight and sneak peeks into what's next for us...

It may seem surprising to be thinking about future projects while still wrapping up fulfillment on an existing one, but with the long development cycles and multiple iterations it takes to bring a Wyrmwood project to life and get it ready to launch, there's no time to rest, and we've got lots of great ideas to explore.  But don't worry - while our development team looks to the future, our craftsmen remain hard at work completing your pledges, and that doesn't change until every last one is fulfilled.

If you need to check in on anything or have any issues with your pledge, as always, just reach out to us here and we'll be happy to help you out.  Thank you again for all of your support!

~ Wyrmwood

Fulfillment Update: Jan 2019
about 6 years ago – Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 06:01:52 PM

Hello everyone!  We hope that 2019 is treating everyone well.  We've been hard at work after a brief holiday break.  How is it going?  Let's dive in.

Fulfillment Update

As we edge closer to the end of January, we have begun to ship out January pledges; some of you may have already received them.  Production is working hard to fill the remaining holes, which consist mostly of Personal Trays and some Dice Vaults at this stage.

Fulfillment will continue through the remainder of this week and the next, and *may* bleed into early February - we apologize for any delay in receiving your order while we tie up this tier.

Reload Packs

We have some long-awaited good news - reload packs are ALL in, and from this point forward, all pledges containing them will include them in one shipment!  If your pledge arrived missing one or more reload packs, we have already shipped them out, and if you have not received them yet, you should very soon.

Anyone still missing a reload pack, please let us know.  Thank you for your patience while we sorted this out with our supplier.

Dungeon Master Tier

After some initial setbacks, we're making strong progress on the Dungeon Master Dice Towers.  Here are a couple shots of the towers in progress right now:

Completed Dice Tower Sides
Completed Dice Tower Sides

These Towers are a painstaking process to craft, with each knot being crafted from many pieces, carefully arranged and inlaid.

Each Knot Segment is Individually Sand-Shaded Before Being Set in Place
Each Knot Segment is Individually Sand-Shaded Before Being Set in Place

We'll show more of them next time - we've completed and shipped the October set, and the November set, shown here, will be complete and shipped out soon, as well.  We apologize to those affected by the delays, but we hope you'll agree that the wait was worth it for these stunning pieces.

That's about all we've got for now.  Thank you all for your patience while we close out the final tiers, and thank you for making the Magnetic Dice Tower: Bespoke Edition a reality!   We leave you with this video recap of the first season of our YouTube series Wyrm Lyfe.  If you haven't seen it, check it out now - season 2 premieres tomorrow! 

We'll be in touch - stay warm out there!

~ Wyrmwood

Holiday Update: Shipping, Pre-Order Billing and More
about 6 years ago – Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 08:48:03 PM

Hello everyone!

Now that the holidays are upon us, we're able to take a moment to catch up, and wanted to send an update summarizing what we've been up to the past few weeks.

Holiday Shipping: Complete

At this time, the holiday shipment has taken place and the vast majority of pledges through November have been shipped.  The most notable exception to this is the Dungeon Master tier; we have reached out to all affected backers individually, but we have faced some unexpected difficulties in these extremely complex pieces, and as such they're taking longer than anticipated.  We will be working hard in the coming weeks to catch these up, but we unfortunately cannot rush them - we wouldn't want to risk the quality of the finished pieces by doing so, and we doubt very much our DM backers would want that, either.  We do apologize for those delays, however.

We will be picking up after the holidays with the January tier, and we'll of course keep you all informed along the way.

Regarding your shipments; you should have received tracking information. Remember, as always, to check your spam folders, where they often get trapped. But do be aware that due to the extreme volume of shipments this time of year, tracking information can be spotty; sometimes packages don't get scanned, sometimes things take longer than expected, but everything has been sent out and should arrive in time for the 24th, according to the USPS.

Reload Packs

We have shipped out all the reload packs that we've received, and are still waiting on the remainder of our order to arrive, regrettably. We continue to order any quantities of them we can from our supplier as soon as they become available, so we have ordered nearly all of what is needed to fulfill the entire campaign, but they continue to ship them out to us slowly as they restock, despite any and all efforts of ours to rush the process. We will continue to send them out as soon as they arrive until everyone has gotten them.


For those of you with pre-orders who have not been charged, we will be charging these cards on file on December 31st, at 10:00 AM. Please make sure the card you've placed on file has the necessary funds available at that time. Thank you!

Happy Holidays

With that, we're going to sign off, and wish each and every one of you the best this holiday season. We will stay in touch, but the shop will be closed on Monday, December 24th and Tuesday, December 25th, to give our hard-working team some much-deserved rest and time with their families over the Christmas holiday. As such, messages may take a bit longer to respond to during the break; we hope you understand. We will be returning after that, but not quite turning up the heat to full until January 2nd - so, in the meantime, let us wish you an early happy new year, as well!

Thank you all, as always, for your patience and support. You've helped make 2018 an amazing year for us all, and we can't wait to hit the ground running in 2019!

~ Wyrmwood

Fulfillment Status: End of November
about 6 years ago – Sat, Dec 01, 2018 at 01:08:52 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.